Zero Possession

Project Manager & Level Designer | Sedna Games

A passion project that came into fruition over the course of 4 months. With the goal of gathering a team to create a project that best represented our skills on and individual and team level.

As project manger I created core project pillars aligning with key project goals , project timelines and utilization of a scrum framework during production through JIRA and Confluence.

As the level designer I focused on creating levels that fostered replayability and creative re-use of levels for more challenging/engaging content.

Winner of Best Sound, Best Fourth Year, and People's Choice awards at GameCon 2022.

Mochi’s Dreamland

Associate Producer & Level Designer | MassDigi

As part of MassDigi’s XP program, I was brought onto a LiveOps development for Mochi’s dreamland as the associate producer & level designer.

As a member of brought on in mid-development, my development team and I were tasked with bringing up the retention rate of Mochi’s Dreamland. In my role I took ownership in understanding game analytics through Dev2Dev in order to help the team create data driven design decisions that would align themselves with our project goals and timeline.

ACE VR Driving Simulator

Project Manager | Full Circle CS

Throughout the duration of this contract, I was the project manager for Ontario Tech’s unnamed project. In collaboration with Ontario Tech’s ACE wind tunnel facility, this project was geared to create a realistic driving simulation.

As project manger I supported the development team with day to day operations and adjusting project schedules to meet major project milestones & goals.

Earth’s Light

Project Manager & Level Designer | Sedna Games

A project worked on over an 8 month period with The Toronto Zoo aimed towards finding an interactive format for educating youth on issues within Canadian habitats and the animals affected by them.

As project manager, I overlooked all product operations using JIRA to maintain a product backlog as well as aligning design intent with the Toronto Zoo’s strategic mission.

As the level designer, I worked on creating missions native to each animals habit meant to fit with narrative story beats of the game conveying messaging unique to each specific Canadian habitat.